In 1995, Tokyo, Shoichi Aoki dedicated an entire issue of his ground-breaking street fashion magazine, STREET to the French luxury fashion house Maison Martin Margiela. Following the success of Volume 1, the story of this iconic fashion institution continued with a second issue in 1999.
Published in 1999 as part of Maison Martin Margiela (13) in Paris and Tokyo, Maison Martin Margiela Street Special Edition Vol. 1&2 combines both special edition issues, reproduced in their entirety. Covering the early years of Maison Martin Margiela right up to the eve of the millennium, the book features photography by Anders Edstrom, Marina Faust, Mark Borthwick, Virginie Vaulot, Raf Coolen, Tatsuya Kitayama, Ronald Stoops, Barbara Katz and many others.
ISBN: 978-4901759021
Size: 210 x 297mm, 214 pages